March 31, 2008


B: BEST FRIENDS? Michele, Tim and Brynlee
C: CAKE OR PIE? Definitely cake! Any flavor, preferably chocolate, but no forsting, I hate frosting.
D: DAY OF CHOICE: Saturday and Sunday because I get to spend more time with Tim and Brynn and not at work.
E: ESSENTIAL ITEMS: Binkies, cell phone, Baby Einsteins sing-a-long CD
F: FAVORITE COLORS: Depends on what it's for. I like to wear certain colors but I like to decorate and stuff with other colors.
G: GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Gummy bears! But I like to dump them out of the bag on a plate and leave them out overnite to get hard, Tim thinks I'm crazy. Yummy!
H: HOMETOWN? Salt Lake City, UT, oh how I miss thee!!!
I: FAVORITE INDULGENCE: Me time, whether it's the gym, hot showers, a good book, tanning(yes I know it's bad for me), I just like to get away from the madness that comes with having a 2 year old for a while.
J: JANUARY OR JULY? I would have to say January down south but July anywhere else in the world. This place is the worst place ever in July!
K: KIDS? Just Miss Brynlee Kaye for right now but I would love another one soon, they grow up too darn fast!
M: MARRIAGE DATE? October 28, 2006
N: NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 5 sisters and 2 brothers
O: ORANGES OR APPLES? I love Clementines so I guess I would have to say oranges. I like apples if I can dip them in the yummy cream cheese fruit dip.
P: PHOBIA OR FEARS: My biggest fear is marrying the wrong person. I also really, really, really don't like bugs, any bugs. I don't mind them if I'm camping because there are supposed to be bugs when you go camping but I don't want them in my house and down south all bugs are monster-sized!
Q: QUOTE: "You can't call me a whore," it's the start of a wonderful speech that Meredith gave Derek on Grey's Anatomy 2 seasons ago. I can't wait for new episodes next month!!!!
R: REASONS TO SMILE: Brynn is getting her 2 yr old molars so she's been extra snuggly(thats a good and a bad thing), I lost 3lbs last week, I'm going to Dallas with my hubby in 11 days.
T: TAG 3 PEOPLE: Callee, Nan, Sarah
U: UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I've never broken a bone and I've never had the chicken pox
V: VEGETABLE: Peas, corn on the cobb, sweet potato fries (do those count?)
W: WORST HABIT: Biting my nails. I really wish I could stop but I seriously don't know how! I'll bite through acrylic and bite them even if they have that grossI tasting stuff on them that's supposed to keep me from biting them. Also, I critique house flippers on house flipping shows because I know sooo much about anything that has to do with houses. Right......
X: X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? Definately ultrasound . . . 3D ultrasound of Brynn at 37 weeks to be specific. That was the best thing ever. And the funny guy that did mine could barely speak english and said, "she has brain, is good". We still laugh about it.
Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: Lately, sushi from Samurai. I can't get enough. I dream about it. I also love alot of foods I only get like twice a year now when we go to Utah: Cafe Rio pork salad, turkey sandwich and house salad from the Dodo, walnut shrimp from Asian Star......... mmmmmm so good. Oh and anything from Del Taco, random I know but I don't have one of those down here either!
Z: ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces, though it doesn't fit me very well, I do not have a creative bone in my body and I guess that's a big thing for Pisces.