March 3, 2008

Tim's Big Challenge

Well Tim decided to be brave this weekend and tackle the leaves that have overcome our yard, (our yard, that's so fun to say!). You can tell by this picture that we have alot of bagging to do. Brynn wanted to be a big "helper" but she was way too stressed out from the dirt on her shoes and the bug she found on a stick. We ended up in the house watching Shrek and I think we were more help in there then if we would've stayed outside with Tim. The good news is I think she is starting to get used to the house which is so nice because my 21 month old is finally sleeping through the night again AND we got her on a prescription for her allergies so she's finally healthy for longer than a day, YAY!!! Oh and one more random thing, Brynn's favorite teacher at school just told us she wants to start babysitting on the weekends. This is such good news because Tim and I need all the time away we can get and Brynn llloooovvveessss Angela!


Anonymous said...

Ha I can just see her getting all "stressed out" over the dirt and the bug. She is too funny! Love and miss you guys and don't let Angela have all the fun.. leave some room for aunt Dani!