March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

We went to my parents house for Easter weekend and Brynn had a ball. We haven't been there forever so it was fun to get some down time. They watched Brynn so that Tim and I could go to lunch and go golfing which was so nice and the weather was perfect. Aunt Dani and soon-to-be Uncle Cody came down also and Brynn can not get enough of Dani.
She was extremely spoiled for Easter, just like she is with everything else. She got alot of new books, a play vaccuum (because she is terrified of them so I'm hoping having a toy one will make them less scary), a little people school bus with little people in it, an Easter dress and alot of snacks that I ended up hiding from her so she wouldn't eat them all at once. She loved the Easter egg hunt and was very annoyed when there were no more to find so we just kept taking the ones out of her basket so she could find them again. Grandma also bought her a little shopping cart that she pushes around everywhere and has decided she wants to ride in even thought there is no way her chunky butt would fit in it. She has become much more brave around Ragan, my parents big, fat black lab. She will follow her around all day and tell her what to do and attempts to mimic all of the sitting and laying positions the dog does. So funny. I'm sure she has a buddy for life.
I forgot that one bad thing did happen. Brynn has pretty bad allergies and has been taking a prescription everyday for a few months because the pollen is so bad down here, anyway, I thought it would be nice to bring my mom an Easter lily. I guess it would've been smart to buy the lily once we got into town but I'm a little slow and had it sitting in the car with us the whole 2 hour drive. Brynn basically had an allergy attack all night on friday because I trapped in the car with a flower for an hour. Poor girl. Other than that it was a very nice weekend and we can't wait to go to Dallas in a few weeks. Thanks in advance for watching Brynn Grandma Jillyn and Grandpa Dwight!!