April 6, 2008

April Showers

Well this week started out pretty rough for us. Brynn wasn't sleeping at all and if she did sleep she would wake up screaming more than once during the night. My mom said it looked like she was getting her 2 yr old molars and she had been walking around rubbing her cheeks and she had a mild fever so that's what we figured it was. By wednesday we were exhausted so we took her into the doctor and she is definetly teething but she also has a raging ear infection in her right ear that they had to give her a shot for because it was so close to rupturing. Needless to say once we started doping her up, motrin, antibiotics, ear drops and allegra (she has bad allergies) she started sleeping like a champ wednesday night. Thank goodness. About that time my throat started to bother me. I've never had allergies but I just it wasn't anything serious so I blew it off. By friday morning my throat was hurting really bad, I could barely swallow. My sister Dani came up friday night to watch Brynn and Tim and I went to dinner and I couldn't even swallow. Long story short, after and hour at the doctor and an hour at the pharmacy my fear was confirmed, it was strep. Tim put me on immidiate bed rest, but that didn't last long, and I think I must've had a sinus infection too because ever sinse I started the antibiotic my nose just drips. It's always something at this house! Now I am just praying Brynn doesn't get it because she is going to stay with my mom this weekend. That would not be fun for them!


Cal said...

She is such a doll! Guess what?? It snowed here today, I am glad that you are enjoying beautiful weather! I love your blog and seeing Brynn grow up. You have done good!!!

Lacey said...

i am sorry but your little girl is so adorable!!! i love love love the first picture!