December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Here are a few pictures of our holiday! We ended up going home early because Brynn was having some serious issues with her asthma but it was still so nice to see the family and have a little R&R.
These first of these pictures are of the light festival that happens on the river in Natchitoches where my parents live. People come from all over to see this thing! The little town seriously gets over 100,000 visitors during the Christmas season just to see the lights.

This is Miss Kaye playing with her baby dolls Christmas morning, she's such a good little mommy.
Brynn is a VERY spoiled little princess. This is her first set of wheels, a barbi jeep that she got from Santa, (thanks Grandma Carla!!!) She loves this thing and she got the hang of it pretty fast. She just has no idea that you have to take your foot off the pedal to stop and she puts her hands on the steering wheel but doesn't turn so she crashes quite often.

More Brynn and the jeep! I love that she buckles the baby into the front seat. So funny.
Sitting with Grandma Jillyn & Grandpa Dwight on Christmas Eve!
The Christmas Eve toast with my fam. We have done this for as long as I can remember. Everyone goes around the table and says something they are grateful for that happened during the year. My mom is a traditions freak which is so nice. I am so excited to have my own traditions with Brynn.
All of my family, (minus Dani & Cody, we missed you guys!) This is the Christmas Eve PJ picture for 2008. My dad is the Stake President so the guys on the left are the two missionaries assigned to their area. My mom bought them PJ's too. They are such cute guys.


The Allen Family said...

It looks like you guys had a Great Christmas! Fun that you got to go see your Family! They all look so cute!

Lacey said...

what fun traditions. i think that is so funny that your mom got the missionaries PJ's, so cute, i am sure it made them feel better about being away from home for christmas.

The Allen Family said...

Thank you! Yes, they are getting so big already. I can't believe it!
Thanks, I don't know, I feel so big & I still have 2 months left. ugh! oh well!