September 1, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

So we are feeling a little unprepared. Maybe it's because we didn't take all of the warnings seriously or maybe it's because we have never been remotely close to a natural disaster but we weren't ready for what we saw at the grocery store yesterday. Everyone there was stocking up on gallons of water, the bread shelves were empty, one lady even had her cart full of every type of frozen meat you could buy. (an odd choice for natural disaster food but they do everything different down here) From what we heard the hurricane was supposed to miss us completely and we were just going to get some rain. We had 10 inches of rain in August so hurricane rain wouldn't be much worse than that right?? The good news is that now that it's actually made landfall it doesn't look as bad as the weather channel thought it would be so I'll keep you posted on the after-shock, if there is one.


{littlefam} said...

I was thinking about you down in Louisiana - glad to hear you guys are okay!

Becky said...

Hope everything is okay. I guess there is something to be said for food storage. Ha! But, seriously keep us posted.

Cal said...

scary, I hope that you are all okay, I too was thinking about you, but I am not sure where you are compared to where the storm is. be safe!!!