July 16, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Don't let that pretty little face fool you. This girl has been quite the handful lately! Between Tim & I and Brynn's school we decided that because she's so advanced mentally maybe we should start treating her like she's a big girl because she is getting bored with things her age. One of the things we decided to try was making her crib into a big girl bed. (it's a transitional crib so we basically just take the front bar off) So far so good with that! The first few nights I jumped up and ran in to make sure she hadn't rolled off but now I think we are all comfortable with the idea. She loved that she can crawl into it anytime she wants and I'll find her lying in there singing to herself often. I will still take any advice anyone can give when it comes to the terrible twos though! Oh and I think she looks so much like my mom in that bottom picture, so funny because I don't look anything like my mom.


Becky said...

Oh, Teresa! I wish I could give you any advice for two, but unfortunately, I think three is harder. I had a crazy 2 year old and now a crazier 3 year old! Good news is, everyone tells me it gets easier after 3. Just remember the sweet moments, count to ten when you want to get mad and pick your battles. Good Luck!!! She is darling!

Cal said...

she is so stinkin cute! I agree with the above comment, I think that the 3 year old stage is harder, how could you possibly get mad at that cute face???? The thing that keeps me going is one day I know that they will be 18 and be moving out! (he he)

Allison said...

She really is so darn cute!!

As for dealing with a two year old, I wish I had some good advice because I would give it to myself. The good news is that it will pass. Liv started to get really hard at 18 months, but by 2 1/2 she was perfect (in my eyes atleast).