December 31, 2007

Things that Make me Happy

1. The sun! I love to be outside or in a tanning bed, it's the only kind of therapy I'll ever need.
2. Shopping. There is no problem too big that a little retail therapy can't fix.
3. Anything that makes Brynn smile.
4. Grey's Anatomy. TV seriously doesn't get any better than that.
5. Driving. I have a car obsession and a need for speed.
6. Snow on christmas morning. It's not christmas without it!
7. Talking. I'll talk to anyone anytime and I'm pretty sure I was a therapist in a past life.
8. Music. I love music of all kinds. Brynn loves music too but mostly rap music. I was so worried about her becoming a redneck down south that now she thinks she's black.
9. Being out of the house. I love to be outside and I hate sitting doing nothing. That could be the attention deficit disorder talking...

10. Traveling. I love to visit new places, preferrably on a beach or any big city or Portland because Michele is there!
11. My family, immidiate and extended. We are more than a little disfunctional but that's what makes us us:)