March 10, 2008

Leaves, Sidewalk Chalk and the Squirel

Well in true Louisiana fashion sundays weather was sunny and in the 70's so Tim and I decided to bag the leaf piles that have consumed our backyard for the past few weeks. We still have two piles left, the back half of the backyard to rake, we haven't even started the front yard yet and we have already filled 24 bags! Brynn has discovered a few little friends in the backyard. Thanks to the 7 giant trees we have there are alot of birds and alot of squirels. One in particular will let her get within a few feet of him and then she is usually the one to run away first! We call it Brynlee's zoo and she thinks that's pretty neat. And I know it's really hard to miss our ghetto neighbors full for months plastic swimming pool in their backyard. You can't leave stuff like that around your yard down here or who knows what will end up living in it! If we see any snakes in our yard I'll know where they came from. Tim found her some sidewalk chalk so she made some beautiful pieces of artwork all over the back patio. And yes she is very smart but I wrote her name in the picture. LOL She loves the chalk but she has a hard time understanding why she can't bring it in the house to color on the floor. And last but not least, we have a potty update! Brynn went potty in her potty 2 times last week! It is sensored and plays a song when she goes and the seond time it scared her so bad she started running away in mid-pee. We are actually lucky there was a second time because the first time between us making a big deal about it and the song scaring her to death she was pretty terrified to go anywhere near the potty for a few days!