March 19, 2008

Future Hygenist

This is for you Aunt Mogi! Tim decided to pick his teeth with his straw after dinner, I know, such good manners. Anyway, Brynn of course then has to pick Tim's teeth with a straw too. I thought this picture was so funny because she looks very focussed on her work! I can just imagine what she would be saying outloud, "yes I see the problem is right here with your bottom right bicuspid, and you need to floss more". (I have no idea what I'm saying so sorry if I butcher the dental lingo) Another thing that is so funny about Brynn is that she looovvveesss spicey food. She will eat blazin hot buffalo dorritos until the cows come home and tonight she decided she's taken a liking to guacamole. Everything I give her to taste hoping she won't like she ends up loving, it's so odd.